
Momentcam cartoons e emoticons
Momentcam cartoons e emoticons

momentcam cartoons e emoticons

You will then scroll down to see the list of all the apps installed on your iPhone. Go to Settings and click on General then click on "iPhone Storage". Click on that X to delete the MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers app from your phone.Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.On your homescreen, Tap and hold MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers until it starts shaking.To delete MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers from your iPhone, Follow these steps: Delete MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers from iPhone.


How to Delete MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers from your iPhone or Android. If you have an active subscription, it is recommended you unsubscribe before deleting your account or the app.

momentcam cartoons e emoticons

  • American residents (California only - you can claim to reside here) are empowered by the CCPA to request that Eureka Studios delete any data it has on you or risk incurring a fine (upto 7.5k usd).
  • The law mandates that Eureka Studios must comply within a month.
  • Under the GDPR, Residents of the European Union and United Kingdom have a "right to erasure" and can request any developer like Eureka Studios holding their data to delete it.
  • Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Eureka Studios to know if they support self-serve account deletion:.
  • The developer of MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers is Eureka Studios and all inquiries must go to them.
  • Things to note before removing MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers:

    Momentcam cartoons e emoticons