You get 12 bicolour gemstones from one FATE. I’ll be honest, this is not an efficient means of getting combat materia.

If you’ve already reached the max rank in all these Shared FATEs zones, then there will also be traders in Eulmore and The Crystarium. There are stationed in Fort Jobb (Lakeland), Lydha Lran (Il Mheg), Fanow (The Rak’tika Greatwood), Twine (Amh Araeng), Tomra (Kholusia), and The Ondo Cups (The Tempest).

Shadowbringers introduced the Shared FATEs system, which allows you to earn a new type of currency by completing FATEs in Shadowbringers zones. Shadowbringers FATEs (Bicolour Gemstones) Take these tokens to Cholline in The Crystarium or Thex in The Canopy in Eulmore.
Space drop vuii cracked#
These tokens are Cracked Stellaclusters (for grade VIII materia) and Cracked Planiclusters (for grade VII materia). While some sources drop random individual pieces of materia, other sources drop tokens which can be traded for materia of your choosing. I often put in five combat materia to try to get any non-combat materia, which has a higher market value. Get rid of many unwanted varieties at once, and don’t use valuable materia that can be sold on the marketboard instead. Use this knowledge to your advantage to try to steer your transmutations towards your goals. There are three varieties of crafting materia (Craftsmanship, Control, and CP), and three varieties of gathering materia (Gathering, Perception, and GP). There are eight varieties of combat materia (Critical Hit, Direct Hit, Determination, Skill Speed, Spell Speed, Tenacity, and Piety).

The materia you get as the end result from the transmutation will never be one of the varieties you used in the input. You do not need a crafter levelled, but you do need to return here and have Mutamix transmute the materia for you. This is a sidequest available as soon as you meet Mutamix Bubblypots in the Main Scenario Quests, so I recommend doing this as soon as you get there. To unlock materia transmutation you’ll need to complete the level 19 quest ‘Marvelously Mutable Materia‘ in Central Thanalan. It allows you to trade in 5 unwanted pieces of materia for a different materia of equal or greater tier. One really important system to know about is materia transmutation. See which ones make the most sense for you based on how much time you have and what activities you find enjoyable. Some of these sources are efficient but limited daily or weekly tasks, while others are less efficient but grindable. I’ll cover the various activities that yield high level materia, which ones are easiest, most efficient, or most reliable. For the most part though, the valuable materia everyone uses are grades VII and VIII, so that’s what I’m going to talk about in this post. To save gil, many players will use some lower grade crafting and gathering materia to lessen the impact overmelding has on their wallet. There are three types of materia: combat (red, purple, and yellow), crafting (blue), and gathering (green). Well I hate to break it to you, but while you might think you’re rolling in it, that ain’t nothing compared to what you’re going to need. In fact, crafters and gatherers are even more likely to need the extra points, and require a ton more materia to overmeld their gear.īy the time you reach level 80, you may have built yourself up a hefty stack of various materia, but never put them to use. This is true for both combat and non-combat Jobs, which use different types of materia. High level players know that part of the endgame of FFXIV involves melding a lot of materia onto your equipment to push your stats as high as you can.